vineri, 23 mai 2014

Meeting " Enrique Pichon Riviere’s Days " - Depression - Suicide and Addictions


The Romanian Association of Psychoanalysis Group and Family Links " Enrique Pichon Riviere " invites you to take part in the  " Enrique Pichon Riviere’Days ",  in the Danube Delta, in Romania, Sulina. The meeting will take place from 28-31 August, 2014.

The meeting is addressed to fellow psychologists, psychotherapists and also doctors who work with patients with suicidal behaviors and addictions . The meeting aims at variety of approaches for the respective behaviors.

The meeting will be attended by specialists from different therapeutic orientations who will present their views on ways of working with these patients (specialists working in state and private institutions or/and in non-governmental organizations too).

According to psychoanalysis link theory, one of the best approaches is to work with  patients by making them face the familiar environment, which will allow both a future healing.

The meeting has announced the participation of Dr. Pierre Benghozi who will present a specific way of working with these patients , based on ”Psychic remeshing of the gaps of family containers", that will be proposed by Dr. Pierre Benghozi .

Dr. Pierre Benghozi is working at Hyeres , the Mediteranean coast of France. He is the president of the Institute for Research in Psychotherapy, associated member of EFPP ( European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy ) and AIPCF (International Association of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis), coordinator of Couple and Family section of EFPP .

The Romanian Association of Psychoanalysis Group and Family  Links " Enrique Pichon Riviere " is created in 2011 and is a member of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy ( EFPP ) .

For further details and information, please contact us:  (Claudiu Ganciu)
or follow us on facebook:

or visit the site 

luni, 5 mai 2014

SEMINAR “Forme ale depresiei – suicidul si dependenta” 28 - 31 august 2014

SEMINAR “Forme ale depresiei – suicidul si dependenta” 28 - 31 august 2014

     In perioada 28 - 31 august 2014 se va desfasura intalnirea anuala internationala a Asociatiei de Psihanaliza a Legaturilor de Familie si Grup “Enrique Pichon Riviere”, cu tema  “Forme ale depresiei – suicidul si dependenta”

     Invitat special: Dl. Pierre Benghozi, presedintele Institutului de Cercetare in Psihoterapie, Asociatie membra EFPP (Federatia Europeana de Psihoterapie Psihanalitica) si AIPCF (Asociatia Internationala de Psihanaliza de Cuplu si Familie), Coordonator al sectiunii de Cuplu si Familie din EFPP.

     Alti participanti: membrii ai asociatiei, invitati, persoane interesate de abordarea psihanalitica de familie si grup.

     In cadrul sesiunii vor fi ore de formare, work-shop-uri si grupuri operative. Vizionarea si analiza unui film de lung metraj va face parte, in mod exceptional, din programul zilei.

     Locul de desfasurare: Pensiunea Mila 2 3*, Sulina, Delta Dunarii ( ), cel mai estic punct din Uniunea Europeana.

- 50 eurotaxa de participare
- 630 lei / persoana: cazarea 3 nopti cu pensiune completa, transportul cu nava rapida Tulcea - Sulina - retur
- optional: 140 lei transport autocar Bucuresti - Tulcea - Bucuresti
- optional: plimbare barca in Delta: 60 lei / persoana 

Pentru mai multe informatii despre programul sesiunii, inscrieri pentru prezentari, work-shop – uri etc. ne puteti contacta la Asociatie sau la partenerul logistic pe partea de servicii turistice - Escape Travel:

- email: (Claudiu Ganciu)
- tel: +40720179647
- pe Facebook:
- Facebook:

Proiect organizat in colaborare cu AGENTIA DE TURISM ESCAPE TRAVEL BUCURESTI:

tel: 0371.141.110
mobil: 0730.078.833 - Veronica Minea